Discover your brand new self

"When I let go of what I am,  I become what I might be"
~ Lao Tzu

Traditional Okinawan Karate

Teaching courage, respect, confidence, awareness, perseverance, and self-defense using traditional martial arts that have been passed down through generations

We prioritize empowering our community to be better over commercial profits. We offer monthly discounts to students, first responders, and frontline healthcare workers. There are no contracts nor lock-in agreements for any of our programs

martial arts respect
Isshinryu Karate
traditional weapons bo sai staff
Traditional Kobudo
self defense
Real world self-defense
yin yang zen balance
Mental and physical strength

"The ultimate aim of karate lies not in victory nor defeat, but in the perfection of the character of its participants"
~ Gichin Funakoshi